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FnLoC Updates

In the last couple of days, I’ve done some work on the FnLoC project and made several commits to my GitHub repository.

First of all, it dawned on my why FnLoC wouldn’t work properly with a lof of my source code from my Computer Science coursework 20 years ago. I had written much of that code using Dos and Windows text editors and IDEs. These editors would leave carriage return characters throughout the file. These characters wreaked havoc on my FnLoC program which was developed to work with files written in a Linus or Unix environment.

To solve the problem, I wrote a Bash script (dos2linux) to clean out the carriage returns. The script uses sed to remove the carriage return characters and creates a backup of the original file.

    sed -i.bak -e 's/\r//g' source-file.c

There are some other methods, such as the tr command, but this worked well for me and was easily incorporated into a script.

After going through and cleaning up all of my old CS source code files, I copied the code for my original LOC counting program then updated it so it was consistent with the line parsing process of FnLoC. I also added a couple of functions to print the results and to display syntax help. When I finished, I named it LLoC for “Logical Lines of Code.” While I was at it, I tidied up the FnLoc code a bit, just some minor formatting things I’d missed previously.

I also compiled the new code on my Windows 7 machine and updated the installation and removal batch files before placing them in a zipped archive.

This morning I modified the loc2file Bash script to incorporate LLOC by having it process header files. While going through my old code, I found a number of C++ files with .cc and .hh file extensions so I added those extensions to those extensions to be used.

Then I updated the deb package and updated the documentation. When I was satisfied I had everything up to date, I updated the Git repository and pushed the changes to my GitHub repository.

2 Responses

  1. Started relearning makefiles. It’s been over 20 years since I’ve needed to use them and I always had problems with them. I made a simple one to compile FnLoC and LLoC. It took some trial and error but it works. Put it up on my GitHub repository.

    Now I’m thinking about projects with multiple source files.

  2. Getting more familiar with the find command and put something together to remove those pesky carriage returns in my old source code files in one fell swoop. I wished I’d figured that out a few days ago. I would have saved so much time.

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